A year of decluttering - a pile of papers!

With many of our purchases we also gain a manual and/or a warranty, you know, more paper you need to find a home for.

I simply keep mine in a file and when I add something to the front of the file, I grab a handful of items in the back of the file and make sure I still own those items.  If I do not, I toss the papers. If I do, I place them in the front of the file.

This helps me to maintain the file.  And it's not a crazy intricate system that requires much of my time.

Since having kids I started an additional file for toys and such.  Now I have two files for Warranties/manuals with receipts attached to them.

That's one way to create a home for these papers.

Some people prefer to set up binders filled with paper protector sheets in which they fill with the Warranties and such.  Some people go so far as to organize these into categories.

But we're here today to declutter.  So, for those of you who find you have a stack of such papers or an un-maintained drawer/file full of them, this challenge is for you!  This is a job I as a Professional Organizer can't even really do for you.  

Your job is to tackle this pile.  All you are doing is recycling warranties and manuals of items you no longer have.  That's it.  

This may require help from your house mate.  After all, there are things you won't know if your husband still has or not.  Create a pile for him.  You may have to create a pile for "?" and you will have to look through your things to see if you actually have that item or not.  And if you didn't know you had it and you find that item, I suggest you attach the manual to the item and donate it ASAP!

Turn on some great music and tackle your papers.  This is a job that you can easily do in time increments or all at once.  

If you have no home for such papers at all, just do what I do and create a simple file folder them to be stored.  If you feel you'd like to upgrade your system do it later.

First just keep it simple!

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