What's for dinner?

Here's a resource that could really benefit your entire family.

Mealfire is a FREE website that lets you collect your recipes in one place, plan out in advance when you’d like to prepare them, then turn those recipes into a shopping list. The quickest way to get started is to grab the bookmarklet. Once you get that installed (by dragging it into your address bar, or right-clicking in IE), you can use it to import recipes from several of the largest recipe sites around the web. Once you’ve got some recipes collected, you schedule them by dragging them onto a giant calendar…your meal plan! Then, before you head off to the store, click on the days you’d like to shop for, hit “Create Shopping List”, and you can print off everything you’re going to need for the week.

In addition to this core functionality you can also add extra grocery items that will always show up in any list that you print. This is good for things like bread, milk or eggs that you still need to pick up, but aren’t part of any recipe. And, there’s a mobile app as well if you have an iPhone, plus iCal support for integration with your favorite calendar application.

Head on over to Mealfire and get started on creating your meal plan for next week!

Let us know if you try Mealfire and if you like it.

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