Under the kitchen sink organizing

Monday I tidied up below my kitchen sink because I, um, didn't want to DO the dishes.  It didn't take much time at all because my systems are working well for me. Yippee!  

1. Before 

2. This is designed to sit perpendicular to how I have it but it has to work like this because there's a huge water filter canister behind it. I just keep re-usable bags in the bottom and a few things like pan scrapers, sink plugs, and gallon sized ziplocks here. 

3. I take the side off of quart, sandwich, and snack bag boxes and keep them here. This has been THE best way for me to store these. You can find the Overhang basket at Clever Container.  Just contact me and I can order it for you.

4. Easy 3M hooks, I did this one Sunday morning before heading to church, it was super quick and that was a year ago. 

5. I keep my colanders down here since you know, I strain things in the sink. I keep 2 old cottage cheese containers to catch meat grease when I strain it, then throw the container away. I don't keep more than 2 at a time. 

6. After. I relocated my 3 favorite flower vases. I used them in the summer because I had a cutting garden but it'll be quite a few months 'til I get to use them again. I threw away 2 items.

What's under your kitchen sink?  Is it time for a little shuffling and de-cluttering?

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