Leave room for what's really important

The amount of information available to people continues to grow at a rapid pace, as do the number of demands on our time. Organized people save time and money, and reduce their stress and frustration levels. Organizing systems help you deal with everything from your paper to your professional responsibilitIes and give you parameters on what to keep, what to toss, and where to take action.

What is the best way to get organized?

Experts in the organizing industry agree that there are no “cookie cutter” solutions for getting organized. There are many different personality types, work styles, and environmental influences, so each person must find the system that works best for him or her. The number of organization-related products and services is continually increasing. With the help of a NAPO member you can determine the areas in which you want to improve, such as filing, clutter control, time management, maximizing storage space, or juggling projects and priorities.

How long does it take to get organized?

Organization is a process, not a state achieved in one day. Think about it as “being organized” or “staying organized,” not “getting organized.” A NAPO member can help you set up an organizing system in a few days. After that, the challenge is to continuously maintain it and work on it one day at a time. The good news is, once you learn good systems, habits, and tools, change becomes easier, as does bouncing back from an unexpected detour or period of feeling overwhelmed.

from NAPO.net

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